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10 Signs You Have A Gut Balance Issue & How To Support It

“All disease begins in the gut” - Hippocrates

The gut is often referred to as your second brain. It contains a microbiome that houses good and bad bacteria. It is essential to have a balanced mix of both. When your gut is imbalanced it can result in many negative side affects. Here are 10 signs that you have a gut issue and how you can support it.

1. Abdominal discomfort (i.e., less gas and bloating)

Gas is a result of a normal healthy digestion and fermentation process in the gut. If you're experiencing abdominal discomfort, it could mean that you have more gas producing strains of bacteria in your gut. These strains can lead to greater fermentation, resulting in trapped gas in the gut and bloating.

2. Regularity (going too much)

Your gut microbial balance is responsible for how often you go. There are many different strains of bacteria that live in your gut. For example, Clostridium difficile exists in small numbers yet it can create regularity problems resulting in going too much, if its able to flourish. This is not good as it can push out all the good bacteria in your gut, contributing to even more gut imbalance.

3. Regularity (not going enough)

On the other hand, those who aren't going enough may have lower levels of certain bacteria strains such as Bifidobacteria. Supplementing this type of probiotic strain can aid in improving digestion!

4. Skin Health

Skin health can reflect what's going on inside of the gut. In fact, it is in direct communication with your skin through what's called the gut-skin axis. Just like the gut, your skin also has a unique microbiome of its own. When you have an imbalance in your gut, it's also going to show on your skin.

5.  Sugar cravings

The bacteria your gut has a mind of its own. It can actually manipulate you into craving certain types of food that help them grow. Ew, right? For example, Bifidobacteria loves dietary fiber, yeast thrives on sugar and Bacteroidetes prefers fats. Listen to your body and feed it what you know is good for it because your cravings can ultimately continue a suboptimal gut cycle.

6. Sleep

Studies have shown that those who experience increased tiredness often have abnormal levels of gut bacteria. When the gut is filled with these strains, it can negatively affect your circadian rhythm, ultimately disrupting your sleep and resulting in high levels of fatigue throughout the day.

7. Healthy Weight

Since bacteria helps break down and process our food, and how our body absorbs it's nutrients, it's no surprise that the gut can contribute to changes in weight. Researchers have studied thee gut microbiome in lean and overweight twins. What they found in the overweight twins was a reduced bacterial diversity (meaning fewer types of good bacteria in the gut).

8. Mood

Gut peptides are certain hormones that are made in the gut. They control the signaling between your gut and brain, playing a vita role in your mental health. If your gut microbiome is off, it affects the pathways of the brain-gut communication, resulting in changes to mental health which can trigger negative mood swings.

9. Concentration

Research shows that suboptimal gut balances can negatively affect your focus and ability to learn/memorize. This is because your gut produces neurotransmitters that aid in supporting our mood, thoughts and cognitive abilities.

10.  Immune health

Approximately 70% of the immune system resides in the gut! So it comes as no surprise that your gut microbiome directly influences your immune system. If your gut is healthy, your immune system is too! Researches found that a bacteria called Enterococcus gallinarum can multiply and travel outside of your gut into your liver and tissues where it contributes to immune imbalances. Yuck!

How To Support Your Gut

  • Clean up your diet

  •  Include probiotic supplements and fermented foods

  • Identify and eliminate your specific food "triggers"

  • Move your body regularly

  • Pay attention to stress levels

  • Consider intermittent fasting

Gut Healing Foods

Fiber rich foods: Beans, whole grains, whole fruits, and veggies

Fermented foods: pickles, miso paste, kombucha, tempeh, kimchi

Fruit: apples, bananas, blueberries

Nutrient dense foods: broccoli, asparagus, barley, oatmeal, chickpeas, garlic, onions,

Foods To Avoid

Refined sugar: The sugar found in cakes, cookies, and pre packaged desserts

Processed foods: Package meats, jerkies, packaged mac and cheese

Dairy: Milk, cheese, butter

Red Meat: Beef, pork, steak

Thank you for reading! If this information was helpful to you, please consider sharing! It means a lot.

~XX Tammy!

Hi, I'm Tammy!

I am a Personal Trainer, Pilates Instructor, Yoga Tune Up® Teacher, and Wellness Educator with over 30 years of experience.

I have a passion to help people live their best life through movement, motivation, and education!

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